HomeLifestyleDeficiency of vitamin B12 can cause so many diseases

Deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause so many diseases

Deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause so many diseases
Deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause so many diseases

Our body needs vitamin B12 very much. If it is lacking, not one, not two, but many diseases will occur. Vitamin B12 is one of the important nutrients that our body needs. This vitamin B12 is required by our body to carry out many important functions from the formation of red blood cells to the synthesis of DNA. But many people suffer from this nutritional deficiency. But many people do not know this. 

Vitamin B12 foods


Vitamin B12 is found in abundance in fish, liver, red meat, eggs and dairy products. Vegetarians can get vitamin B12 through fortified foods. 

Deficiency of this nutrient can lead to many health problems. 

Heart diseases: If vitamin B12 levels are low, the heart rate will increase. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause anemia, an excess of blood pressure. This puts tremendous strain on the heart. This causes the heart to beat even faster than normal. Vitamin B12 helps break down homocysteine. It increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Homocysteine affects the normal function of blood vessels. These problems increase when the body lacks vitamin B12.  

Oral health affected : Lack of vitamin B12 in the body can affect oral health. Deficiency of vitamin B12 causes problems such as mouth coating and tongue swelling. Another sign of vitamin B12 deficiency in the mouth is unbearable inflammation.

Cognitive health: Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause cognitive problems such as difficulty thinking. Several studies have shown that vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to mental health problems such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and Parkinson’s disease. 


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